“Hi! How can I make your day?”
“Just this bag of beans today, please! Hey, what’s the best way for me to brew this at home?”
We’ve all asked our barista this question at some point…Or wanted to, but social anxiety got the best of you. Been there. Done that. But here I am to answer all your questions!
Here at Bizarre Coffee, our roasters Kaylor and Morgan, strive to create a delicious coffee roast that will dance on your tastebuds and make you sing; any way you choose to brew it. However, that doesn’t mean that we won’t have recommendations! Order it today!

Let’s take the roast, Brazil, for example. This particular roast has been such a tasty addition to our offerings that we decided to use it on our espresso machine at the cafe! So, anytime you get one of our seasonal or original lattes, you’re drinking Brazil. Our baristas work extra-hard dialing in the espresso every day to make sure that it is the perfect ratio of water and coffee grounds. If you try our drink, Daymaker, you can fully appreciate the taste of the espresso. Order it today!
“Ok, you lost me at espresso. Is Brazil good as drip coffee too?”
I was just about to say, if you happen to drink our drip coffee at the cafe, we will occasionally have it available as a drip option as well. So, to answer your question, whether you prefer Brazil on espresso or drip, you can never go wrong. Next time you’re in the cafe, try a sip of Brazil in the drip station, or order a shot of espresso all by itself! Not only will you have the chance to try Brazil in its original state, but you will also look like a badass to everyone around you as you drink a straight shot of espresso. But, to each their own.
“Well you see, I’m not much of a medium/dark roast drinker… What light roast option would you recommend”
Oh boy, let me tell you about our delicious, upcoming roast here at Bizarre. Sweet, but smooth, light, but not acidic… Basically perfection when it comes to a light roast. Splendor is a juicy light roast blend that has hints of vanilla, blackberry and cherry. Just the thought of these bright flavors makes my taste-buds go crazy! If you have a chance to try it on our drip, you don’t want to miss out, light roast drinker or not!

A super awesome fact about Splendor is that the beans come from both Ethiopia and the aforementioned, Brazil. The Guji region in Ethiopia is where the coffee is farmed, and the farmers in this region have been growing coffee since the 10th century with some of the same methods they use now. Try it HERE.
“I don’t use a brewer, I just stick to my French Press.”
That’s awesome too! For every 1 cup of water, you will add 10 grams of coffee. Once you have the desired amount for your brew, let the French Press sit with the press pulled up for 5-7 minutes, depending on desired strength, and slowly push down at the end of your timer. If you do it too fast, you may or may not be greeted with hot coffee ground water spewing from the spout: you’ve been warned!
These are just two of the simple ways for you to brew Bizarre at home, and to get the most flavor out of the coffee. If you happen to have an espresso machine or another brewing method at home, stop by the cafe and ask your barista for their recommendation of brew and coffee/water ratios.
I hope you enjoyed today’s little coffee brewing 411, and our official resurgence of the Bizarre blog! I look forward to our next chat!